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Monday, 14 October 2013

A smart fabric that supplies drugs

A smart fabric that supplies drugs
A smart fabric that supplies drugs
A smart fabric that supplies drugs - hydrogel can you imagines wearing a shirt to cure your back pain? In the future this could be possible thanks to a new intelligent fabric being developed by a team of scientists from the University of USA. This tissue drugs administered selectively responding to stimuli such as light, and temperature.

Researchers are working to immobilize the drugs in the fine fibers of these tissues, which would release a dose to respond to certain external stimuli. Furthermore, the application would be useful for chronically unfriendly, that could stop worrying about schedules and calendars endless pills.
Tissue responds to stimuli such as temperature and pH, and also to changes in sunlight, something that would treat personalized skin diseases like psoriasis, warts or melanoma. Tissue gradually releases the drug into the bloodstream, which ensures a more efficient medicine while reducing costs.

"The drug is assimilated more efficiently because it is released gradually, "explains Antonio Luis Medina, director of Anomy, the spinoff of the University of USA which is developing the project. “Normally, taking a drug, it goes to the stomach and there it destroys much of the active ingredient of the drug. Upon release into the bloodstream will avoid this problem."

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